Schedule and viewing information for “Chandrayaan-3 Ready to Make History: Moon Soft-Landing Occasion” ?

Schedule and viewing information for Chandrayaan-3 Ready to Make History Moon Soft-Landing Occasion

Chandrayaan 3

Chandrayaan 3 With eager anticipation, Indians are awaiting the momentous lunar touchdown of Chandrayaan-3, scheduled for Wednesday evening.

The Chandrayaan-3 mission is still on time, as indicated by a Tuesday update from the Indian Space Exploration Association (ISRO).
As per ISRO, in the event that the Chandrayaan-3 mission effectively finishes a delicate arriving on the lunar surface, a critical achievement in India’s space investigation way will be achieved.
This accomplishment, which addresses the country’s headways in space investigation, is ready to significantly propel India in the areas of Science, Designing, Innovation, and Industry.

Chandrayaan 3 Lunar Landing: When to Tune In?
ISRO will live-stream the event on August 23, commencing at 5:27 pm IST via its official website. The projected time for Chandrayaan-3’s moon landing is approximately 6:04 pm.

The announcement was made by the organization on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Watch Chandrayaan 3 LIVE:


Individuals can watch the moon arrival of Chandrayaan 3 live on ISRO’s YouTube channel, its Facebook page, and the DD Public Station. One can likewise get the most recent reports on the lunar arriving on CNN-News18 and other significant television news stages in the country.

ISRO Website:

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ISRO YouTube:



The Chandrayaan-3 shuttle is the third lunar investigation mission arranged by ISRO following the bombed Chandrayaan-2 mission. The mission fills in as a continuation of the Chandrayaan-2 mission in 2019 and means to feature the total capacity of safe landing and meandering on the lunar surface.

Chandrayaan-3 comprises of three sections: a Lander module (LM), Drive module (PM) and a Wanderer. The Lander has the capacity to delicate land at a predetermined lunar site and send the Meanderer which will do the examination on the lunar surface.

The Lander and the Wanderer have logical payloads to complete trials on the lunar surface. The primary capability of Impetus module is to convey the Lander module from send off vehicle infusion till last lunar 100 km round polar circle.

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